Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership OTHM Level 7


Successful completion of the Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership qualification will equip learners with the key skills and capabilities to become an effective strategic manager. The qualification also allows learners to progress into or within employment and/or continue their study towards an MBA with advanced standing.

Registration – £50, Online – £950, Blended – £1500, Classroom- £2000

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Enrolment Fee:£1,000.00
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The objective of the OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership qualification is to develop strategic management and leadership skills for managers who have the authority and personal attributes to translate organisational strategy into effective operational performance. This qualification reflects current practice in Strategic Management and Leadership and allows learners to develop and expand their high-level understanding of strategic management and leadership in the workplace. This qualification is suitable for mature learners with a background in academic study or industry. The qualification has a clear work-related emphasis on practical skills development alongside theoretical fundamentals.

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